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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #250 on: 25-01-2018, 20:15:13 »
Sad tek kontam da se Hornov projekat zove Ghostwood Development i petljaju nešto sa Shiningom.
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #251 on: 30-01-2018, 22:50:26 »
Nešto mi nevešt prevod, šta znam...
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #252 on: 31-01-2018, 14:45:16 »
Viđeh na teletekstu epizoda 10/32, šta mu sad pa to znači?

Kolko epizoda ima?

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #253 on: 31-01-2018, 15:14:16 »
Čitajući vaše psotove, deluje ko lud zbunjenog, što za Linča nije ni čudo... Ali, gledate li vi, ljudi, istu seriju?


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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #254 on: 31-01-2018, 15:33:48 »
The owls are not what they seem!
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #255 on: 31-01-2018, 16:37:30 »
Viđeh na teletekstu epizoda 10/32, šta mu sad pa to znači?

Kolko epizoda ima?

8 u prvoj sezoni i 22 u drugoj. Ima alternativna pilot varijanta, ako se ne varam, ali ne znam odakle 32.
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #256 on: 31-01-2018, 16:43:51 »
"Fire walk with me" kao dve epizode?

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #257 on: 31-01-2018, 16:48:13 »
Kakav alternativan pilot, prvi put čujem?

Nego, izgleda to prepolovljene pilot epizode prve i druge sezone (pošto su 90min) pa nije 8+22 nego 9+23=32.

Danas je valjda 11. epizoda, što je u stvari drugio dio S01E01.

Sve u svemu, neoliberalizam!
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #258 on: 31-01-2018, 17:53:49 »
ima taj alternativni pilot u onom Gold Box ili tako nešto DVD izdanju, ima na pajratbeju, čak sam svojevremeno i pogledao, ali koje su razlike ne bih sada mogao reći.

mislimd a je i 8 epizoda dugačka, pa je moguće da su i nju podelili. to mu je u stvari deveta epizoda, odnosno početak druge sezone.
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #259 on: 05-02-2018, 23:19:19 »
Tomat ili ko još čita te Frostove knjige, dal on piše o svemu i svačemu u cezi Tvin Piksa, svakom liku, dal nešto zaobilazi itd.. 

Jer eo reprizirah FWWM, i ono što fali u odnosu na TP je čitava biznis strana priče sa braćom Horn.

Naravno, može se reći da oni nemaju ni mnogo šta da traže tu, al čitava ta ekonomska strana je potpuno ispala iz priče, a bitna je bila u prvoj sezoni.
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #260 on: 06-02-2018, 00:37:08 »
evo, upravo slušam ovih dana Secret history... pa piše, piše i o likovima koji se u seriji ne spominju, u onom delu kada priča o periodu pre osnivanja grada. ne znam na šta konkretno misliš kada kažeš "biznis strana", ali ima reči o počecima Hornovih, razvoju i sl. ćaća mu je osnovao dženeral stor pamo negde početkom prošlog veka, a krenulo ih je kada je konkurentska radnja misteriozno izgorela. posle dženeral stor prerasla u robnu kuću, pa hotel, pa Jednooki džek, pa pilana... uz Martelove i Pakardove, Hornovi su verovatno najznačajnija vamilija u TP, a sigurno najbogatija.

u Secret history piše o svakom liku i istoriji lika, ono, kako su se smuvali Big Ed i Norma, pa Big Ed i Nejdin, pa Norma i Henk, kako je Henk prodao neku utakmicu u srednjoj školi, što je zapravo početak njegovog bavljenja kriminalnim radnjama, kako se doktor Džekobi drogirao... najviše prostora zapravo ima lik koji u seriji nije posebno značajan, Daglas Milford.
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #261 on: 06-02-2018, 03:05:35 »
Pa ono, od silnog fire walk with me ja vidjeh najviše vatre oko Horn braće. Praktično svako sranje koje pripremaju rade u sceni sa vatrom u kaminu u pozadini, a planiraju, jelte, jednu veliku vatru na kraju prve sezone.

E sad, neko može reći da je to sve stvar tumačenja, al mi takođe znamo da otkrivanje ubice nikad nije ni bio cilj serije.

Mali znak: u Norminom restorančiću u jednom trenutku se pojavi poster "Say no to Ghostwood".
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #262 on: 06-02-2018, 04:02:00 »
Da, nisu nikad planirali da otkriju ubicu, ali kad ga su otkrivali, Ben Horn je bio jedan od tri lika sa kojim su snimljene scene ubistva Medi. Ostala dvojca su Liland i BOB i te scene su upotrebljene u seriji, Benove nikad nisu i mislim da su uništene i više ne postoje, jer ih nisam nikad video obrisanim scenama u bonus materijalima. Ako ipak postoje, valjda kontaju da bi bilo i previše da prikažu, a možda ih čuvaju za season 4 i novu varijantu ubistva Lore Palmer u nekoj drugoj dimenziji. :D

Inače, Secret History nije toliko o Hornovima, ali u Final Dossieru imaš tri strane o Hornovima i Hejvordovima, imaš link ovde negde za torent, kačio sam, pa pročitaj. Ali ništa posebito bitno, vrlo kratko poglavlje. Koliko se sećam, samo popunjava rupe vezano za tuču Doninin očeva :lol: koja je bila jedan od nerazrešenih klifhengera druge sezone i pravda potpunu nezainteresovanost Bena za Odri u Returnu, kaže se da joj je sve vreme bdeo kraj postelje.

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #263 on: 07-02-2018, 23:20:12 »
Sad ja počinjem da izvoljevam, ali imal đe ovaj Finalni dosije u formi audiobuka?
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #264 on: 08-02-2018, 01:15:45 »
Tomate, imaš li kakih crnogoraca u familiju il ti piratebay ne radi? ;)

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #265 on: 08-02-2018, 01:16:10 »
Ili ovo na piratu nije to?
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #266 on: 08-02-2018, 01:31:38 »
Na piratu nalazim secret history, a final dossier ima EPUB, ili mi nešto promiče?
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #267 on: 08-02-2018, 01:49:38 »
Toeto, ja sam pomiješo!
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #268 on: 08-02-2018, 06:35:54 »
Nisam probao ali koliko vidim, audio book ima na Amazonu za dž, ako odabereš "Audible trail":

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #269 on: 16-02-2018, 14:19:42 »
Imal đe neko pisanije o omažima i uticajima, od noir Laure preko Shininga do Fredija Krugera? 8-)

Dal ima tekst o tom linčovskom sklapanju i preklapanju?
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #270 on: 17-02-2018, 13:27:59 »
Mislim da za tako nešto ipak moraš proširiti analizu i na filmove Dejvida Linča, kao što uostalom to čini i Tvin Piks: Povratak.

Npr, za sve srodne reference tipa poznatih filmova Alfreda Hičkoka koje Dejvid Linč nije omažirao u samom Tvin Piksu ali jeste obilato u filmovima, u seriji se samo nadovezao na to, pa Bulevar Sumraka, što je sigurno film koji je Linča u mladosti najviše fascinirao (oseca se taj vajb i u seriji) i slične stvari.

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #271 on: 17-02-2018, 18:34:19 »
Evo npr. dva zanimljiva teksta o uticaju Bulevara Sumraka i Hičkokove Vrtoglavce na Tvin Piks:

The Surprising (Other) Reason for the Sunset Boulevard Allusion in Twin Peaks

When the World Spins – Connections Between Twin Peaks: The Return and Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #272 on: 18-02-2018, 01:30:55 »
šta će mi bogatstvo i svecka slava sva kada mora umreti lepa Nirdala

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #273 on: 18-02-2018, 02:22:10 »

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!


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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #274 on: 18-02-2018, 18:05:23 »
Ne mogu da nađem sad video kad riba priča još sličnije likovima iz blek lodža, al ima brdo yt snimaka

Eo wiki strane
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #275 on: 18-02-2018, 21:05:30 »
Mislim da ti je to taj isti snimak, samo njen glas bez muzike. Bar meni malo liči.

Mada, u svakom slucaju nije backwards, mislim da je to više zaostavština puštanja muzike naopako i navodnih satanističkih poruka u nekim pesmama.

Najpoznatiji primer "Stairway to heaven" :

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #276 on: 14-03-2018, 09:28:41 »
Još jedan Hičkokov film, ovaj put Wrong man iz 1956:

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #277 on: 23-03-2018, 22:52:33 »
Koga ne mrzi da čita, konačno objašnjenje svega (ili, barem, jedno od):

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!


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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #279 on: 08-04-2018, 21:16:23 »

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!


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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #280 on: 08-04-2018, 22:30:38 »
The “There is no alternative” and “End of history” ideologies could not have triumphed after the fall of the Soviet Union without convincing the last holdouts that their dream—art—could be made within capitalist society, and herein lies David Lynch’s nefarious service to neoliberalism. Twin Peaks convinced us to settle for this being all there is by giving us a fantasy that it is not. The revival of Twin Peaks, in further “pushing the boundaries” of what is possible on television, doubles down on the function of the original. Forget the racist stereotypes revived by the foot soldiers of the Black Lodge, who look like they were lifted directly from Birth of a Nation. David Lynch’s real offense is to have made possible the last twenty-five years of capitalism, which may well have put us on the path to imminent planetary disaster.

ovaj baš ne voli Linča haha
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #281 on: 08-04-2018, 22:42:47 »
Taj bi streljao autore "The Royals" ili "The Crown", mada, i ja bi ih streljao.  :D

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #282 on: 19-06-2018, 15:54:05 »

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #283 on: 02-07-2018, 08:10:36 »

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!


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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #285 on: 26-08-2018, 20:57:47 »
Jadan, nadajmo se da ga Australijska turneja Returna neće koštati glave.  :(

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #286 on: 26-08-2018, 21:00:53 »
Nema levu ruku pa nije mogao da oseti trnjenje :lol:
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #287 on: 26-08-2018, 21:03:42 »
realno, samo sam čeko da neko pita jel ga nešto zabolilo u lijevoj ruci :lol:

biće meme crnjaka na sve strane cijenim
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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #288 on: 15-09-2018, 15:53:41 »

Theory about Cooper’s hair

Before I had entrenched myself into the Twin Peaks community, I heard Scott talk on the Red Room Podcast about his hair theory (which now that I think about it I’d actually heard before I’d even heard Thorne’s dream theory explained in detail). In Fire Walk With Me, Cooper has his hair parted both to the side as he wore it in Season 1 and slicked back as it was in Season 2. If it’s parted to the side, that is from before the point in time when the Good/Bad Dale split happened in Episode 29. If his hair is slicked back, it’s during or after that Dale split.

Which means the Dale further along in his journey is the one who meets Laura at the end of the movie. It’s not a dream Dale or the new guy in town, it’s the guy who’s already confronted BOB and spoken to Margaret, Briggs, the Giant, and everybody supernatural. I realize a changing haircut is similar to a lapel pin appearing and disappearing (as in John Thorne’s excellent “Time and Time Again” essay from The Blue Rose Magazine #5) but the lapel pin involved Cooper’s state of mind—which can fluctuate as easily as confidence—rather than just signifying time continuity. Even if the slicked back haircut showed up in different time periods, such as before Dale shows up in town, it’s a place-marker on Cooper’s own linear chronology whether it’s in sync with the time we experience or not. Chronology can be mapped on a line, however squiggly, and Scott’s observation got me focused on a frame of mind that involved Cooper being out of sync with time as we know it.

Laura Palmer is Dale Cooper’s Mother

Our own Eileen Mykkels wrote Laura Palmer Is Dale Cooper’s Mother And Here’s Why near the end of Season 3’s initial airing and it checked off all my boxes: it’s way outside standard theories, way more plausible that you’d initially think, I hadn’t thought of it yet, and it’s mired in time continuity that needs to be unjumbled. I remember back in My Life, My Tapes that Scott Frost made Cooper’s mom mirror the appearance of Laura in one of Dale’s described dreams, but I never made the jump to ask if maybe that WAS Laura or that it meant she IS his mom rather than someone he confused with his mom. But Eileen made that jump and ran with it beautifully. Dale and Laura’s connectedness, their level of Special to the story, and even their tangled dreams, can all be explained with this theory. It gets way more plausible than it has any right to, and it does so immediately. It’s such a fun thought experiment I beg you to try it.


T. Kyle King’s WE LIVE INSIDE A DREAM: Understanding the Finale of Twin Peaks: The Return blew me away with a Naido-Is-Judy premise on his podcast Wrapped In Podcast that I liked so much I had to request a readable version for our site. And I’m a Judy non-believer so that’s saying something (to me, a negative energy doesn’t have a personality/identity like, say, a Greek God would). This is by far the most compelling argument I’ve come across to make me change my mind, putting Judy into the role of a trickster and tempter hiding in the midst of the heroes by presenting herself as the thing the hero most wants to see, and being one step ahead of the hero because she is literally on the journey with him whether as Diane or Carrie.

I still put this theory’s probability on the low end of things, but I definitely rank it higher than the Judy Laura Bomb Pocket Trap Universe variations, and I found myself playing what-if scenarios in my head as Kyle went through his logical argument. If Judy did have to be a real character, I’d want her to be like this, hiding right next to the hero the whole time.

Distinction between Color and Monochrome sequences

Like Scott Ryan’s hair theory, I am confident “Very Important!” What Andy’s Vision Can Tell Us About Cooper’s Fate is true: In Shana’s words, “the monochrome images are things that cannot be altered (fixed points in time, for my fellow Doctor Who fans), while those in polychrome are in flux and subject to change.” Shana first said this on a Sparkwood & 21 Podcast feedback episode, and ever since I refuse to believe anything besides the fact that black and white scenes are unchangeable while color scenes are open to all possibilities. By the time Shana wrote it up for our site, she applied this logic to Andy’s Fireman Vision in most excellent detail (found in the article). She says this rule explains how Cooper created an infinity loop based around the paradox of Laura “I am dead, yet I live” Palmer. Which is funny because that’s not the conclusion I get from her rule, but as with everything Twin Peaks (and with my favorite theories as well), it’s about the journey and exploration. And an explanation as simple and elegant as this one can be applied to anything and it’ll enrich the scenario tenfold.

The Good Dale created Dougie

Our own Brien Allen’s I Need You to Make Another One – An Unlikely Origin of Douglas Jones is still a relatively new theory, but it got me to stop assuming that DoppelCooper is the only real option of Dougie’s creation. It’s already paying dividends too, as I continue to dig further into Dale Cooper as a character.

Instead of following what’s possibly misdirection, Brien investigated how such a generally benevolent tulpa was created from the shadowy side of Dale Cooper, and explored the conclusion that it couldn’t be. And then with his typical thoroughness he explored how DoppelCooper probably found out about Dougie anyway and may have come up with a plan to corrupt Dougie for his own purposes instead of the Good Dale’s purposes. Is the probability on this theory high? Not necessarily. Can you rule it out? Not on your life! This theory has legs, folks.

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #289 on: 20-09-2018, 14:15:06 »

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!


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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #291 on: 10-10-2018, 20:48:02 »
Sjajna vest!

Ne znam da li sam ovo već negde kačio, ali trejleri za originalnu seriju (showtime streaming prve dve sezone) i revajvl (fanovski):

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #292 on: 01-11-2018, 12:08:29 »
Zamenik šerifa Čed kao Henri iz Erejzerheda za Noć veštica 2018!  :D

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #293 on: 21-12-2018, 17:53:07 »
Zamenik šerifa Hok za svoj 67-mi rođendan...  8-)

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #294 on: 12-05-2019, 11:34:39 »
Preminula glumica Pegi Lipton, Norma Dženings iz “Tvin Piksa
moj se postupak čitanja sastoji u visokoobdarenom prelistavanju.

srpski film je remek-delo koje treba da dobije sve prve nagrade.

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #295 on: 17-08-2019, 06:43:00 »
Alan Mur jako negativno o trećoj sezoni:

DB: I don’t recall ever seeing anything else like that ending here in the U.S. except perhaps for the season-two finale of Twin Peaks. I’m wondering if that was a show you watched, and if so what your thoughts are about it — especially the ending. (I’m also interested in your thoughts on the recent Season Three, if you watched and are inclined to comment).

AM: Yes, I was a huge admirer of the first two seasons of Twin Peaks. I greatly enjoyed season two’s closing episode, and subsequently arrived at an interpretation of Fire, Walk With Me that, to me, was satisfying and answered all of my really important questions about the series. At the end of last year I watched the box-set of season three, and without wishing to denigrate all of the perfectly legitimate reasons why people loved that (presumably) final season, I’d have to say that with the exception of a few arresting images and atmospheres, I kind of wish I hadn’t bothered. Elements that I either hadn’t noticed or which hadn’t especially bothered me the first time, like the fact that the titular town is presumably twinned with Midsomer in that both have tons of bizarre murders and absolutely no black people, seemed a lot more intrusive in season three.
Another thing that stood out was Lynch’s customary Bizarro-Republican stance, whereby the intrusive supernatural evil in his stories always seems to be firmly rooted in the underclass. Structurally, it also seemed that there was rather a lot of irrelevant padding, notably the slapstick “Dougie Jones” digression, which didn’t seem to have anything atmospherically or thematically to connect it to the main narrative in any meaningful way.
Overall it seemed to me, as a large amount of Lynch’s later work does, to be relying on disconnected set-pieces and ultimately not saying very much. This may, of course, be a fault with me rather than with David Lynch, but while some of the most arresting and affecting moments in Lynch’s work have seemed to be plucked straight from the director’s subconscious mind and dreamlife, the ones that have best worked for me are those moments that, while dreamlike, work within the context of the overall narrative: for me, the dead man who is still standing upright in Blue Velvet or the whole of Henry’s collapsing and hallucinating mental landscape in Eraserhead work perfectly within their contexts, while a golden Laura-Palmer-infused egg sent from another dimension to what is apparently a nuclear test-site, which then hatches into a sort of insect-frog hybrid that subsequently crawls into the mouth of a sleeping young girl who, unless I missed something, is never seen or referred to again, really doesn’t, at least for me. If everything is weird, then, relatively speaking, nothing is weird. All of this is, of course, entirely subjective, and it may well be that the season three of Twin Peaks that I watched was significantly worse than the one everybody else was witness to.

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!

dark horse

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #296 on: 21-10-2019, 06:27:16 »

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!


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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #297 on: 06-05-2020, 20:03:25 »
dođosmo do toga da Aleksandar Dugin jutjubuje o TP
šta će mi bogatstvo i svecka slava sva kada mora umreti lepa Nirdala


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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #298 on: 07-12-2021, 09:18:16 »
Eto ti sad...
Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded.

dark horse

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Re: Twin Peaks RETURNS!
« Reply #299 on: 28-04-2023, 21:15:28 »

I don't shut up. I grow up. And when I look at you, I throw up. Aghhh!